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In addition to our main Race Guidelines, we have a set of guidelines that have been specifically developed for races with an elite field of runners

These race guidelines have been created by SheRACES, with input from Pro Trail Runners Association and elite road runners, as well as triathletes. 


These are particularly important for races that have elite or professional runners, but every race is different, and not all guidelines are relevant for every race.  They are designed to be read and activated in conjunction with the wider SheRACES guidelines, which address issues that affect all women within a race. 


Why are these guidelines necessary? 


Women belong on the start line and deserve to race in an equal and equitable competition. 


We acknowledge that steps are being taken to resolve some of the most transparent problems, such as equal prize money for both male and female winners. However, many of the issues faced by female athletes are long-standing and remain unaddressed. 


From a mixed start line, where it’s harder to discern the women’s race, to less overall coverage of the female athletes during the event; through to differing finish-line experiences for the winners.  Most of the time, the impact of these is not deliberate or intended by event organisers, who do believe in equality for their female competitors. 


These guidelines seek to support event organisers to ensure equality in their event, by highlighting issues that can arise that deny women an equal and fair competitive race experience.  We actively welcome and would be grateful for feedback from event organisers and athletes alike to improve them. Please email with any comments. 

Here are our Elite Guidelines. Use the arrows to expand each section to read the full text in each of the sections

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